Monday, August 12, 2013

Hitting the bars

I picked up some sick internally wired switches from seesee motorcycle a while back. I held off on installing them for a hot minute due to not having the correct tap in my collection. I finally got around to picking one up, went to town. 

Wiring these hi-drag bars from biltwell was a huge pain in the ass. The secret to wiring them, I didnt photograph. but ill let you know it anyway. Grab some bailing wire, and feed it in from the exit hole, out the entrance, I then twisted the wires around the bailing wire and taped the ends down. After thats nice and tight, slowly pull the bailing wire, and wires though. For the side with two switches, put two pieces of bailing wire up at the same time. wrap them each, then pull only one though at a time. 

Sorry for no build pics, its been a while and I forgot I even had a build thread while working.

Time to chop a few inches off the ends of the bars. 

I might go back and cut 1/2 an inch off for a slightly tighter feel between the grips and switches.

All thats left to do is find a lathe and open up the center of the mounting bolts to feed the wire down though.

Found a lathe under the fine control of Pete of second stroke mopeds. He was able to put some nice holes down the center of my bolts, if you know what I mean. 
It really cleans up the bars and damn do they look sexy as fuck.