Tuesday, September 23, 2014

On to the Next

With the completion of the Ironhead, I have set my gaze on the next projects.
A 76 Triumph T140V will get a revamping this winter, and hopefully I'll get hands on a shovel head that should be a fun project.

To facilitate these projects the Ironhead is up for sale, still gleaming from its last coat of clear.
You can bid on Ebay, or shoot me an offer at Jimmydhorn(a)gmail.com

Ironhead on Silodrome

If I was told at the start of this build that this bike would be featured anywhere I would have laughed and said the next owner must be talented.

But after a long build, in over my head the entire time, I came out on top. Not alone, there was a solid support group around at all times. Even though they never actually got their hands dirty, I couldn't have done it without them. You all know who you are, so thank you. And join me in this victory on Silodrome.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Presenting the Bastard 79 XLCH ironhead

After a year or so of building, painting, braking, welding, scrapping and bleeding here is the 79 ironhead. 

Photos by Scott Meadows

Thanks to everyone who helped, watched, and waited.