Sunday, January 13, 2013


I am very much a superstitious rider, well I have found a pattern and developed it, in to a superstition. Before every ride I must have three completely none ride related items. One; a hat to cover helmet hair, two; headphones obviously for music, and three; a valid metorcard. I have found that if I ever leave even just one of these items at home before a ride, something happens, and I can't fix the issue on the roadside. And I end up taking the train. If I have the three items I am able to fix whatever the issue was that stopped me in the first place. And those items are unneeded. (I don't normally have to fix things on the side of the road very often.)

Now to reason the reason of me telling this. Yesterday, I rode out to my garage, which is about 5 miles from my apartment. <sarcasm>Oh the joys of living in the city. </sarcasm> oh html has worked sarcasm in to its code yet? I digress, upon arriving I notice my lights aren't functioning. So I figure, I'll just deal with this later. And I move on the the iron head, I pull a few more items off the bike. Nothing to exciting, I drained the few oz. of oil that was in the oil bag, and removed the battery and oil bag, then cut the wire harness off the bike. fun fun. I then dick around for a few hours with a few members of the garage, see what they are working on and just chat. When the eventual time comes to leave, I remember, fuck my lights don't work. At this time the sun has set, and every 'real' man is saying "man up you pussy and ride home in the dark" or "In the 60s I once rode from sanfran to LA at night with no lights and didn't going less than 100mph, the whole way".

Well thats not me, I pull the bike back in to the garage, and start going though the harness. I can't find the problem, and I had left all my electrical tools at home. I do what I can, but to no avail. So i do the only sensible thing. I text Phil and request help. If you don't know Phil, he is the type of guy who has forgot more about bike than I'll come to know in my lifetime. So I take off, and prepare for an early morning working on the bike. Ugh, I had to take the train home. This wouldn't have happened if I had brought those three items, I left all of them on my coffee table.

So this morning I pick up a few supplies, and since I have to hack in to the wire harness, its a perfect time to get the high beam working, and toss in a proper inline fuse. Long story short, my day consisted of a fucked up train ride, two different automotive store, radio shack, a fun little ride on a cb125, fixing the entire lights set up on the harness, and riding the Triumph home.
Fuck there is nothing like riding a tiny underpowered bike, and then hopping the Triumph to rekindle my love for it.

Now to go get some Barbecue! Hill Country here I come.

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